Microtest is one of the China's first comprehensive and authoritative third-party testing and certification institutions. Microtest has strong financials, advanced testing equipment, and professional and technical strength, which can help customers obtain certificates in a short period of time, making sure that customer's products enter the international market successfully.
The Mission of Microtest:
provide the key certification information for global customers,
and help customers' products enter the international market successfully!
One-Stop, Full-Range,Comprehensive
Microtest has established more
than ten professional laboratories,
and companies can obtain one-stop testing
and certification solutions through microtest testing.
Microtest can provide enterprises with a full range
of services such as development guidance, forecasting,
rectification, and others,to improve product quality
and speed up timeto market for enterprises
Microtest will establish professional laboratories for
the Internet of Things, Autolink, Chemical Reliability
Information Security Integrated Circuits and other fields
as needed, with stronger comprehensive capabilities.
Microtest was founded in 2005. It's one of the China's first comprehensive and authoritative third-party testing and certification intuitions. Microtest is dedicated to help customer obtain certificates in a short period of time, make sure that customer's products enter the international market successfully.
Microtest is one of the comprehensive and authoritative third-party testing and certification intuitions